The Nehemiah Program
“. . . bringing hope and brighter futures to individuals,
families and entire neighborhoods . . .”
Christmas Blessing Giveaway
The Nehemiah Program is blessing 100 families for Christmas this year at our office 104 S Florissant Ferguson MO 63135. The First 100 people to Sign Up on the website or by calling our office @ 314-716-3544! We are also looking for volunteers to SIGN UP for the Christmas Giveaway as well.
"Renewed People. Renewed Places, Renewed Progress . . ."
. . . and will now do even more!
If COVID-19 wasn’t enough, now cities around the nation are witnessing tragic violence and disastrous riots. In fact, as we were preparing to respond to the overwhelming increase in calls from homeless women seeking our housing, The Epicenter, our headquarters located in Ferguson, MO has been vandalized and looted, along with many other Ferguson small businesses. Now, more than ever, we're committed to do more.
Volunteer SIGN-UP